SPS Elementary Reconfiguration

School Bond Forums

Four school bond forums are scheduled on the following dates:

  • September 20, 7pm, McCabe Elementary School
  • October 10, 11:30 am, Smithfield Senior Center
  • October 10, 7pm, LaPerche Elementary School
  • October 30, 7pm, Old County Road School

While it’s most useful for residents to attend the forums to hear questions and conversations, those not able to attend may access the presentation on this link (bit.ly/2OHDWse) and download the handouts either from our website or on these links (http://bit.ly/2NsCdud and http://bit.ly/2QOmbc9 ).

There are four things voters should know before November 6th:

  1. The Winsor Elementary School facility is neither fire code compliant nor ADA compliant. A fire code variance was issued in 2004 by a fire code board that was told that the building would be closed in 5 years. We are scheduled for a hearing before the board on October 2nd and are hoping to be granted another variance. If the board, instead, requires that we install a sprinkler system in the portion of the building that is below grade, this may cost in excess of $300,000 and the town WILL NOT be eligible for state reimbursements, since the state has not shown interest in further investments in a facility that sits on an undersized lot and has excessive deficiencies. The fire board can also ask us to vacate the facility. AT SOME POINT IN OUR NEAR FUTURE, WINSOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED - Either we will close it or it will be closed for us.
  2. State incentives will only be available for the next 2-3 years and may total $13,000,000 for this project (up to 55% reimbursement and including interest). If the bond does not pass and a smaller project is proposed in a few years, the cost of the smaller project to Smithfield taxpayers may be more than the net cost to taxpayers for this current, proposed project.
  3. We need to invest annual capital allocations in our middle and high school facilities, which are over 40 and 50 years old, respectively; however, if the bond does not pass, annual capital funds will need to be used for repairs to these elementary school facilities. A temporary repair was made to the track 2 years ago and some time soon the track and field must be renovated to remain safe and functional for athletes.
  4. Renovations will significantly improve student safety. Not only will entrances be designed to be more secure, but fire safety and vehicular safety will be improved. The HVAC and other infrastructure of these facilities are also failing, resulting in diminished air quality.

Our facilities will not improve on their own. Instead, the Jacobs Report estimates that an additional $13,000,000 in deficiencies will add to our problem in the next 5 years. The value of our current school facilities is estimated to be $142,000,000. Our responsibility is to protect the town’s assets while also providing our town’s children with a safe, inspiring school environment. Vote informed on NOVEMBER 6th.

Stage II Application to the R.I. Department of Education

During Stage II, the district works with an architectural and engineering team from Studio JAED to propose a preferred option for the elementary school building needs. The team develops a schematic design that provides dependable cost estimates, a project budget, and project descriptions for the School Building Authority Advisory Board and the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education to consider.

The components of the application are being assembled and will be complete prior to the February 1st deadline. An important component is School Committee support for the application submission, evidenced by a vote authorizing the superintendent to submit the completed application. In order to provide the School Committee with enough information about the application to make this decision, information about the application has been summarized in this report.

November 29th Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting Presentation by Studio Jaed Architects

At the November 29, 2017 Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting, Studio Jaed Architects made an updated presentation to the attendees regarding the option approved by the School Committee for the elementary reconfiguration project. It's important to note that much of this information can change as the project progresses.

Please see the RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS page to view the Studio Jaed presentation from the 11/29/17 Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting.

September 14th Joint Town Council and School Committee Workshop

At the September 14, 2017 Joint Workshop between the Smithfield Town Council and the School Committee, Studio Jaed Architects made an updated presentation to the attendees regarding possible options for the elementary reconfiguration project. It's important to note that much of this information can change.

Superintendent, Dr. Judy Paolucci, also gave a presentation explaining key findings from the Rhode Island Department of Education "Jacobs Report".

Please see the RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS & INFO page to view both presentations from the 9/14/17 Joint Town Council and School Committee Workshop.

August 23rd Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting Presentation by Studio Jaed Architects

At the August 23, 2017 Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting, Studio Jaed Architects made an updated presentation to the attendees regarding possible options for the elementary reconfiguration project. It's important to note that much of this information can change.

Please see the RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS page to view the Studio Jaed presentation from the 8/23/17 Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting.

June 28th Elementary Reconfiguration Public Forum Presentation by Studio Jaed Architects

At the June 28, 2017 Elementary Reconfiguration Public Forum, Studio Jaed Architects made a "high-level" preliminary presentation to the attendees regarding possible options for the elementary reconfiguration project. The presentation lists potential opportunities and challenges for each option. The presentation also includes a very early draft of what a timeline could look like (including cost estimates), with construction not beginning until April 2020 and construction completing in September 2022. It's important to note that much of this information can change, particularly if the project is scheduled in phases.

Please see the RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS page to view the Studio Jaed presentation from the 6/28/17 Elementary Reconfiguration Public Forum.

Elementary Reconfiguration Public Forum, June 28th

Dear Parents, Faculty and Staff,

I want to invite and encourage everyone to attend the elementary reconfiguration committee public forum on June 28th at 7pm in the cafeteria at Smithfield High School. The members of the elementary reconfiguration community, including parents, teachers, administrators, and school committee members, town councilors, and community members have been diligently researching elementary school reconfiguration to find our best options for addressing our facility and enrollment issues. In order to make this a true community decision, we need and appreciate constructive and critical feedback on the recommendations of the committee.

The Elementary Reconfiguration Committee will present the four options for the School Committee, Town Council, and the community at large to begin to digest, analyze, and consider. The committee is looking for constructive and critical feedback around the opportunities and challenges listed for each option.

The Four options are:

Option 1: The Early Learning Center model. LaPerche Elementary School is renovated and becomes an Early Learning Center serving PreK, 1st and 2nd grade. Anna McCabe School and Old County Road School are renovated to serve students in grades 2-5. The Winsor Elementary School is closed.

Option 2: The Renovations model. Anna McCabe, LaPerche and Old County Road are renovated and expanded. The Winsor Elementary School is closed.

Option 3: The New School model. Renovations/additions at McCabe and LaPerche; both Winsor Elementary School and Old County Road School are closed. A new school is built.

Option 4: The Hybrid model. LaPerche is renovated; a district-wide Early Learning Center is built at LaPerche site; McCabe & Old County Road are renovated; School Department Offices moved to Old County Road. The Winsor Elementary School is closed.

The reconfiguration committee will meet again in August and use the feedback from the general public to finalize the four options. In September, the four options will be presented at a joint meeting of the School Committee and Town Council for their consideration.

If the bond is approved the work would be phased in over at least a 5 year period. We anticipate that, as part of the final phase of the project, William Winsor would not be closing until September of 2022 at the earliest.

We are sharing this information because we want constructive and critical criticism. It’s important that this be an inclusive and transparent process and we are making every effort to do just that. We have been sharing all of the committee’s work online, via email, social media and our district website. I urge people to participate in this process by attending the June 28 public forum.

More information about the work to date can be found on the Smithfield Public Schools website at www.smithfield-ps.org by clicking on the “Elementary Reconfiguration Process” link in the “Quick Links” section. Also, please follow the district’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/smithfieldschools/) and Twitter account (https://twitter.com/SmithfieldSchls) to receive timely updates.

Robert O’Brien, Superintendent of Schools

June 21st Elementary Reconfiguration Presentation by Studio Jaed Architects

At the June 21, 2017 Elementary Reconfiguration Committee meeting, Studio Jaed Architects made a "high-level" preliminary presentation to the committee regarding possible options for the elementary reconfiguration project. The presentation lists potential opportunities and challenges for each option. The presentation also includes a very early draft of what a timeline could look like, with construction not beginning until April 2020 and construction completing in September 2022. It's important to note that much of this information can change, particularly if the project is scheduled in phases.

Based upon feedback from elementary reconfiguration committee members and the attendees at the meeting on 6/21/17, Studio Jaed will present a revised version at the Community Public Forum that is being held on Wednesday, 6/28/17 at 7:00pm at Smithfield High School in the cafeteria. All parents and members of the community are encouraged to attend to share their feedback and concerns.

Please see the RECONFIGURATION OPTIONS page to view the Studio Jaed presentation from the 6/21/17 Elementary Reconfiguration Committee meeting.

Smithfield Public Schools Elementary Reconfiguration Moving Forward

Committee concluding months long entry phase and preparing for phase II

SMITHFIELD – The Smithfield Public Schools “Elementary Reconfiguration Committee” has been working for several months on a variety of scenarios designed to ensure students have appropriate and adequate facilities that meet both the short-term and long-term needs of the community.

“This has been deliberate and pragmatic work, by nearly three dozen volunteers, teachers, administrators and elected officials,” said Superintendent Bob O’Brien. “We have studied space needs, looked at current and future enrollment projections, and of course, the changing needs of tomorrow’s instruction and learning space.”

Mr. O’Brien said project based learning for students, equity across the district in terms of facilities, student and staff safety, and cost considerations have all been studied. The committee has also reviewed feedback from school planning experts and architects.

“It’s important for our community to understand how much time and effort has been made by these community members,” he said. “The work they have done is remarkable.”

The work includes in many cases six or more variations of each option up for consideration. These options include creating an early learning center, renovations to all elementary schools, creating a large elementary complex and several other options.

The group has narrowed the options down to three for the School Committee, Town Council, and the community at large to begin to digest, analyze, and consider. They are:

Option 1: The Early Learning Center model

LaPerche Elementary School is renovated and becomes an Early Learning Center serving PreK, 1st and 2nd grade. Anna McCabe School and Old County Road School are renovated to serve students in grades 2-5. The Winsor Elementary School is closed.

Option 2: The Renovations model

Anna McCabe, LaPerche and Old County Road are renovated and expanded. The Winsor Elementary School is closed.

Option 3: The New School model

Renovations/additions at McCabe and LaPerche; both Winsor Elementary and Old County Road School are closed. A new school is built.

Mr. O’Brien said there is still significant work to be done in Phase II. “For one thing, we now need to start a cost analysis and feasibility of each option,” he said. “Another thing we will need to do is talk through these options with the community as a whole to see what the consensus is.”

The next step in the process is for the Elementary Reconfiguration Committee to finalize these three options – which will take place on Wednesday, June 21 at 6 p.m. The committee will then present the three options to the general public at a public forum on Wednesday, June 28 at 7 pm in the Smithfield High School Cafeteria. The committee will be looking for feedback on the opportunities and challenges for each option. The reconfiguration committee will meet in August and use the feedback from the general public to finalize the three options. In September, the three options will be presented at a joint meeting of the School Committee and Town Council for their consideration.